Public Safety
One of the most critical issues that Councilmember White is fighting to shift is public safety. Through community partnerships, public policy, and innovative ideas, he has shown that he is committed to bringing solutions to neighborhoods that are facing crime. The measures that he has introduced can be found below:
- Criminal Record Expungement Amendment Act of 2017 - this bill expands felonies eligible to be sealed to include: failure to appear, theft, and felony possession. It also makes all misdemeanors eligible to be sealed.
- Safe Way Home Act of 2017 - this bill requires the Mayor to award annual grants of $5,000,000 each to a single grant-managing entity during each of the next three years. The funds will be used to provide violence outreach and community programming in Wards 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The bill also requires the Mayor to establish a program, the Safe Passage Community Outreach Program, which will employ outreach workers on a part-time basis to provide safe passage from schools in certain neighborhoods in Wards 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
- Fare Evasion Decriminalization Act of 2017 - This bill decriminalizes the charge of fair evasion by making it a civil offense punishable by fine instead of a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment.