Red Ribbon Safe communities Initiative
The Red Ribbon Safe communities Initiative is a community driven outreach program to galvanize, empower, and champion non-violence in Ward 8. As a community leader and resident, your input is critical to the success of this initiative.
This movement will impact our community in many different ways. We ask that all residents:
1. Tape a red ribbon and/or poster to your door in solidarity of ending violence in Ward 8
2. Sign the red ribbon pledge, indicating that you will do all that you can to put an end to gun violence
3. Participate in bi-weekly community walks to peacefully protest violent crime.
4. Provide testimony and/or speak at the upcoming Safe Way Home Act 2017 hearing
5. Spread the word about the Red Ribbon Safe communities Initiative and encourage neighbors to get involved
The next Red Ribbon Safe Communities event will be held at ____ on___. Please contact Jimmie Jenkins by email to get involved (


Click here to sign up for to join as a community outreach organizer for the Red Ribbon Safe Communities Initiative.
Click here to sign the pledge